Disney Infinity 2.0 Toy Box Playsets

The Toy Box Unlocking Toys

There are so many things you can do in Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0 Edition. While you can play all of the Toy Box Games, finish all of the missions from the Toy Box hosts in the Toy Box Introduction world, and decorate your INterior, there is still much more to do. In fact, the only limit is your imagination as you create your own Toy Box Worlds.

There are thousands of toys available in Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0 Edition. While some are available right from the start, most must be unlocked.

When you want to create in the Toy Box, you want some toys to place in your world. Therefore, you need to purchase or unlock the toys you want. There are several different ways to add toys to your Toy Box.

The Toy Store

Spend all those blue Sparks at the Toy Store. What else are you going to use them for?

One way to unlock toys is to go to the Toy Store and purchase them. The blue Sparks you collect as you play in the Toy Box Games, as well as by completing the Toy Box host missions, are the currency you use to purchase toys. Some toys are inexpensive while others are quite costly. The Toy Box is organized into pages. Each page is similar to the Skill Trees used by the characters. Some toys can be purchased right away. Other toys require that you first purchase some toys along the tree in order to get to them.

Purchase INterior decorations to customize your INterior and get it exactly how you want it.

When purchasing toys, it is important to understand that there are two main categories of toys. Many of the toys are able to be placed within any Toy Box. However, there is a special category of toys called INterior decorations. These can only be used in your INterior. These include the various rooms you can use to add on to create your INterior as well as all of the items and themes you can use to decorate the rooms of your INterior. Many of the decorations are themed to help you create a room where the walls, floor, trim, and furniture and wall decorations are all coordinated.

Unlocking Toys

Stitch Toys can only be unlocked by playing the Stitch's Tropical Rescue Toy Box Game.

Some toys can't be purchased: they must be earned as a reward. Others can only be unlocked by completing missions in the Toy Box Introduction or by playing the Toy Box Games. When you go into the Toy Store, these toys are not connected in the toy trees for purchase. If you want them, you will have to earn them.

Templates can't be purchased. Instead, you get them by purchasing or otherwise acquiring other toys.

Several toys can't be purchased or earned. Builders, creators, and templates are acquired in a unique way. Each of these use several different toys. When you purchase all of the toys required for them, then the builders, creators, or templates are granted to you. They unlock automatically and there is no need to purchase them. Builders and creators are usually in the middle or at the end of a tree of toys so that by the time you reach them, you have already purchased the needed toys. Templates are found on two separate pages—there are a lot of them. They are not linked together in a tree. Instead, when you unlock all of the Creativi-Toys and other toys that are used by a template, the template becomes available for you to add to your Toy Box Worlds.

Disney Infinity 1.0 Toys

If you have Disney Infinity 1.0, you can access all the toys from that game as well. If not, you can still spend blue Sparks to get them.

Many of the toys in the Toy Store are from Disney Infinity 1.0. These are all available for purchase. However, if you have the original Disney Infinity, you can unlock a lot of these toys. If Disney Infinity: Toy Box 2.0 Edition detects that you have a Disney Infinity account on your game system, you automatically unlock all of the Toy Box toys from Disney Infinity 1.0—there are twelve pages of these toys. In addition, when you first play the game, you automatically get five pages of Starting toys whether you had Disney Infinity 1.0 or not.

Toys from the Disney Infinity 1.0 Play Sets can add a lot to your Toy Box Worlds.

In Disney Infinity 1.0, you could unlock lots of toys by playing through the various Play Sets. While they are available to all players for purchase in the Toy Store, if you have those Play Sets, all you have to do is place one of the Play Set pieces on the Disney Infinity base to unlock all of the Play Set toys from that Play Set. No need to purchase them. They are yours without spending a single blue Spark.

Some toys are linked to Disney Infinity 1.0 characters.

Finally, you can unlock the character toys by placing characters from Disney Infinity 1.0 onto the Disney Infinity base. These often include townspeople, items, and textures related to the characters. If you don't have all of these characters, don't worry—you can still purchase these toys.

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Disney Infinity 2.0 Toy Box Playsets

Source: https://primagames.com/games/disney-infinity-disney-originals/guides/disney-infinity-originals-mini-eguide/the-toy-box

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